Apple GarageBand Jam Pack 1.0.1

Image Apple GarageBand Jam Pack 1.0.1
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  • Developer:

    Apple Inc.

  • OS:

    Mac OS X

  • License:


  • Updated:

    March 02, 2019

  • "Session package to create loops in Apple GarageBand"

If you like to create your own songs and you're used to using the Apple Garage Band software, download this Jams sessions package. Each of them contains hundreds of loops and rhythms that you can play with different instruments.

These music packages are organized into different categories. On the one hand you have the packages with complete rhythms based on percussion instruments. You will also find packages with electronic music, effects and tools to create different danceable music. If you prefer you can create your own symphonic compositions with the packages dedicated to this type of music or work on the basis of exotic rhythms, in the so-called packages with world rhythms

These Garage Band packages are also compatible with Logic Expres 7, Logic Pro 7 and Soundtrack Pro.